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Plant Ecology

Plant Ecology

The field of plant ecology revolves around the investigation of how plants are distributed, their abundance, and their interactions within their surroundings. This discipline encompasses four primary levels of ecological exploration: individual organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems. Various branches of ecology exist, including community ecology, landscape ecology, forest ecology, population ecology, and behavioral ecology, among others. A central focus lies in understanding the intricate connections between plants and their environment, encompassing aspects such as their relationship with soil, adaptation to other organisms, access to food and water, and responses to factors like temperature, climate, and solar radiation. Additionally, biological interactions like competition, mutualism, predation, parasitism, commensalism, and local extinctions are also part of this study.

Key themes within plant ecology include the examination of plant diversity, interactions among plants, studies of plant behavior, analysis of plant distribution patterns, investigations into the environment, and the influence of both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) factors.

Related Associations:

Society for Plant SciencePlant Science Society of America; American Society of Agriculture; American Society of Plant Science; American Society of FarmingAgricultural Research Institute; National Association of Plant Science; Society for AgriculturePlant Science Society of America; International Plant Science Society; International Agriculture Institute; American Society of Plant Science, Society of Agriculture.

Related Societies: 

International Plant Science Society, International Agriculture Society, American Society of AgriculturePlant Science Society of America, Agriculture Society of America, The Canadian Society of Plant Science, German Society for Plant Sciences, American Society of Plant Farming.

Related Journals:

physiology of seed germination, Plant Science ncert, stomatal physiology, plant physiology, stress physiology in Plants Science discussion, The field of plant biochemistry and biotechnology, The department of Agriculture, morphological organization, Plant Science and Molecular Biology.

Related Conferences:

Agriculture Conferences | International Conference on Botany and Plant Science | International Conference on Botanical Medicine and Botany | International Conference on Plant Science and Botany | International Conference on Botany | International Conference on Plant Anatomy and Molecular Botany | International Conference on Botany and Horticulture | International Conference on Forest Botany and Plant Science | International Conference on Plant Science and Agriculture.


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