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Algae Algae are a large group of aquatic organisms that undergo photosynthesis. They grow massively on rivers, ponds, lakes, and in all moist regions. They are distinguished as Microalgae and Macroalgae (Seaweeds). Microalgae are cultured in a sterile environment and are visible only under the microscope, whereas macroalgae can be cultured enormously in an open environment. Algae are broadly classified into various divisions like Chlorophyta, Xanthophyta, Bacillariophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta, and so on. Algae are cultured all over the world as they are economically important in a variety of ways. They are edible and used as food supplements, to make cookies, juices, etc. Some algae are used as medicines, preparation of agar, liquid fertilizers, and so on. Phytoplankton Microalgae Seaweeds Algae Divisions Economic importance
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